Inadequate sleep can reduce physical performance and has been linked to
adverse health outcomes, including obesity and depression. Try these
suggestions to help you fall asleep easier and get a metabolism boost for
days with more energy!
- Practice physical activity during the day.
- Avoid using electronic (cellphone, TV, tablet, notebook) near bedtime.
The screens emit lights that inhibit the natural production of sleep
hormone (melatonin).
- Avoid drinking coffee, stimulant tea, and soda before bed.
- Create a supportive environment for sleep: darkness, silence, clean and
soft bedding, aromatherapy.
- Don’t think about what worries you before bedtime. Troubles and hurts
should stay outside the room.
- Prioritize relaxing activities after dinner: reading, quieter movies,
listening to calm music, playing with the children, etc. Activities that
enhance a good night's sleep.
- Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same times, even on weekends.
- Drink a warm tea before bed. Chamomile, lemongrass and passion fruit
have a calming effect.
Night night!